liability n. 1.责任,义务。 2.〔pl.〕 负债,债务 (opp. assets). 3.倾向;易于…的倾向[性质]。 4.不利条件。 hold no liability for damages 不负赔偿责任。 limited [unlimited] liability 有限[无限]责任。 liability for military service 有服兵役义务。 assets and liabilities 资产与负债。 meet one's liabilities 偿还债务。 liability to disease 弱不禁风。 liability to error 容易犯错误。 Poor handwriting is a liability in getting a job. 拙劣的书法是求职的不利条件。
Writer ' s view of point is that delivery of cargo without original bills of lading has the character of breaching of the contract , because releasing cargo against original bills of lading is carrier ' s legal liability in carrying out the carriage of goods by sea . also it has the character of action in tort , as if the actions violate the civil law of liability in tort , the doer shall take on the liability of compensation . however when actions are both of breach and in tort , the chinese law gives the victim the rights to choose to sue in tort or of breach , but some limitations in applying substantive law 第二章论述无单放货的法律性质,笔者认为,无单放货具有违约性,因为保证凭正本提单交付货物是承运人在履行海上货物运输合同中的一项法定义务;无单放货具有侵权性,只要无单放货行为构成承担侵权行为民事责任的要件,无单放货行为人就必须承担赔偿责任;同时,无单放货的违约性和侵权性可能构成责任竞合时,我国法律允许受害人可以选择一个诉因行使其请求权,但对实体法请求权的选择,法律作出了一定范围的限制;最后,无单放货在某种程度上促进了航运业的发展,我们不能一概加以否定,无单放货在特定情况下具有一定的合理性。